Main Topic:
Christology: Jesus' Uniqueness
How does the greater good principle differ from the end justifies the means
1 Thess. 4:14-16, What does it mean when it says that we rise?
How is the Bible the inerrant word of God?
Ezekiel 44:3; Who is the prince mentioned in this verse?
Special Guest
Guest Chaplain Commander Bryan Dennison on Chaplaincy and the Jubilee Festival
Can anybody help lead a person to Christ?
What do you have the person pray that you are leading to Christ?
Questions answered in this episode:
Is God able to be affected by outside forces?
What is the Mormon Doctrine?
Did Jesus destroy Satan at the Cross?
Are the Aggressive Christian Training Corp. a cult?
Did God throw Satan out of heaven before or after Creation?
Are there any common roots between Christianity, Judaism and Islam?
Does God hear and answer the prayer of non-believers?
What is the right of the firstborn and how does that relate to Jesus?
What are Pastor Scott's thoughts on the prosperity doctrine?
Can Satan enter the minds of Christians?
Text question to 33444 for free apologetic studies by Pastor Scott
In this episode, Pastor Scott Thom shares on Hebrews 6:4-6. Where did the idea of an Easter bunny come from? Where did Jesus go when He died on the cross? Will our resurrected body be like Jesus’ resurrected body?
On today’s episode, Pastor Scott steps aside from his systematic theology discussion to look at James Cameron’s Discovery channel program ‘The Lost Tomb of Jesus’.
He fields’ questions from callers that deal with: Matthew 24 – Why is the KJV the only translation that uses the word ‘pestilence’? What is the best response to someone who claims that Joseph and Mary cohabitated before Jesus was born and that it disproves the Immaculate Conception? Where is the best place to draw the line in appropriate places of employment as a Christian? Does the Bible say that we can “speak things into existence”?
On today’s episode, Pastor Scott continues to look at God’s moral attributes by discussing what truth is and how it relates to God and reality.
He fields’ questions from callers that deal with: What would be some good discussion topics to show Jehovah’s Witnesses what we believe (most specifically the Trinity)? Is the concept of “generational sin” a Christian doctrine? What do Jehovah’s Witnesses believe and how does it differ from true Christian faith?
On today’s episode, Pastor Scott continues to look at God’s moral attributes by discussing what His righteousness is like and the extension from His holiness and love.
He fields’ questions from callers that deal with: What does “Poor in spirit” mean? How should we respond to the question of “How do we know that the Bible is true?”
On today’s episode, Pastor Scott continues to look at God’s moral attributes by discussing what His holiness looks like and the proper use of freedom.
He fields’ questions from callers that deal with: The beliefs of the Seventh Day Adventists’; Inter-denominational dating and is it pleasing to God? How to discuss with someone who can’t reconcile the “God of the Old Testament” and the “God of the New Testament”; Can the verse in Timothy about “study and show your self approved” be clarified?
On today’s episode, Pastor Scott continues to look at God’s moral attributes by discussing what His holiness looks like.
He fields’ questions from callers that deal with: The Davinci Code and young believers; Suicide and believers and whether salvation is capable of being lost; When a believer falls away and comes back to the Lord but does not “feel” the same blessing or presence of God as they once did.
On today’s episode, Pastor Scott addresses the question of how we view God and what that means for how we live our life.
He fields’ questions from callers that deal with: What does God think of me if I am not able to make it to church but I listen on the radio instead? How do you answer the question for someone who isn’t a believer that if God is love, why would he send anyone to hell? How can I, as a new believer, stop taking part in gossip? What is best response for someone who thinks that if they are not a believer of God that he hates them? Should a Christian be involved with Freemasonry organizations? What can be done for a Christian who is married to an unbeliever after many years of marriage? When did the Jewish nation cease the OT sacrifices after Jesus’ death and resurrection?
On today’s episode, Pastor Scott continues to look into the nature of God by looking at His immutability and what that means.
He fields’ questions from callers that deal with: How to deal with an ex-spouse who uses drugs around children and police won’t respond. Exodus 32: 9-10, Does God’s immutability mean that He is planning on destroying the nation of Israel? How to reconcile with co-workers who gossip and snub non-participators and what would be the best way to show them how wrong gossiping is. How does somebody get the “fear of The Lord”? Where can a reformed homosexual find good fellowship to receive the support necessary in fighting that sin? Exodus 4:24, a caller seeks clarification about this verse that deals with circumcision.
On this episode, Pastor Scott continues to look into the nature of God by looking at the non-moral attributes beginning with His omniscience.
He fields’ questions from callers that deal with: A question from Hagar; Kenneth Copeland and other faith teachers; How do we address people who are using the Bible to defend slavery? Does God predestine people to salvation and wrath and does man’s free will stand if God has already foreseen the elect (those called to salvation)?
On today’s episode, Pastor Scott continues to look into the nature of God by looking at the non-moral attributes beginning with His omniscience. He fields’ questions from callers that deal with: How to deal with a teenager who is upset with God and doesn’t want to go to church after a move; Is Paul endorsing the baptism of the dead in 1 Corinthians 15:29? Witnessing to a person who is not a believer but has had a near death experience on the operating table.
On today’s episode, Pastor Scott begins a look at the nature of God with systematic theology and what is revealed to us through His word. First up, the essence of God.
He fields’ questions from listeners that deal with: The resurrection and the second coming of Christ (Revelation 20) and then Pastor Scott further examines the truth about hell and the Great White Throne Judgment; Clarifying God’s immutability and what the Bible means when it says that He repented (Genesis); And, the uncrossable chasm after death and spiritists (1 Sam. 28 & Luke 16).
On today’s episode, Pastor Scott concludes his discussion regarding the evidence of the existence of God and discussing the secular worldviews towards this argument previously covered including Deism.
He fields’ questions from listeners that deal with: “Speaking into existence” (i.e. ‘Word of Faith movement’); How to explain a young person’s death being in accordance to God’s will; The Emergent church and what their philosophy is; Clarifying the text of 1 John 5:8; Being involved in relationships with other believers who have fallen away from their faith. Find us at
In this episode, Pastor Scott Thom shares on how apologetics can change hearts. How were people buried during the time of Jesus? We address how to overcome compulsive sins. Is bad health in a Christian’s life because of sin or confessing evil? Is the sign of tongues for each Christian or a sign of salvation?
In this episode, Pastor Scott continues his discussion regarding the evidence of the existence of God and looks at the secular worldviews towards this argument. He fields’ questions from listeners that deal with: Matthew 18:22 (Forgiveness); Is Catholicism a true part of the Christian church? Where is the United States in the end times prophesy? Sorry but part of this episode was lost.
In this episode, Pastor Scott discusses the evidence of the existence of God. He fields’ questions from listeners that deal with: Mark 3:28-29 (Blasphemy – The Unforgivable Sin), Disassociating with deniers of Christ, Where was Joseph (Jesus’ earthly father) during the crucifixion? Is drinking a sin? The nature of God: How can He condemn those who exercise free will & Why would He need us? And when two or more… Is the Holy Spirit the “second” when we pray alone?
On today’s episode, Pastor Scott discusses the differences between Canon and Apocryphal writings. He looks at the veracity of the recently found Gospel of Judas and he fields questions from listeners that deal with: Genesis 28:15, the Qur’an, the reliability of carbon dating, and the doctrinal foundation of the Episcopal Church.