Main Topic:
Christology: God's Exclusive Names
How do you know if you have truly forgiven someone?
Does Romans 8:7-8 contradict what Deuteronomy 30:11-14 says?
Are there different levels of Hell?
How do you act when you are part of a worldly job?
Is there an intermediate Heaven?
Main Topic:
Christology: The Diety of Jesus Christ
What scriptures would you use to talk about the issues that arise at funerals?
How do you respond to Jehova's Witnesses when they claim that the meek shall inherit the earth, which are the Jehova's Witness only?
If I sin while I am a Christian, do I lose my salvation?
If your pastor was a Calvanist would all of his doctrines be from the Calvanist perspective?
Special Guest
Raul Ries
Is it okay, now that I'm saved, to stay living together with my girl friend until we get married?
How do we tithe in difficult financial times?
What happens when you sin deliberately as a Christian?
Where do I go in the Bible to read during difficult times?
Main Topic:
Christology: Jesus' Uniqueness
How does the greater good principle differ from the end justifies the means
1 Thess. 4:14-16, What does it mean when it says that we rise?
How is the Bible the inerrant word of God?
Ezekiel 44:3; Who is the prince mentioned in this verse?